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G.E. Massenez Kirsch Vieux Cherry Brandy 750 ML

Original price was: $84.99.Current price is: $74.99.






SKU: NL107790 Category:

40.0% ABV

The G.E. Massenez Kirsch Vieux appears clear and colorless, sometimes with yellowish-green hues due to its aging, with a brilliance that is characteristic of Fruit Eaux-de-Vie. A supple and fluid eau-de-vie. The nose is direct with a distinct fragrance of Kirsch, with no discordant notes. This intense nose with almond notes is a highly characteristic mark of the quality of the original fruit selection and the delicacy of the distillation. A highly complex flavor where the primary flavors of fresh fruit mix with secondary and tertiary flavors from fermentation and distillation. In terms of flavors, a gradation that is traditional among fruit eaux-de-vie, split into 3 main organoleptic notes: Almond notes which unfold as soon as it reaches the palate. Complex, fruity notes in which the fresh cherry gives way to a more complex and powerful aromatic texture. And, spiced notes at the finish, creating the final phase of this organoleptic profile.


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